Emergency Egress Lighting compliance testing
An Independent Qualified Person (IQP) registered with the appropriate local authority is required to inspect and test Specified Systems, such as Emergency Egress Lighting & Signage, and Emergency Power Systems, within buildings. Maintaining the current Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) is dependant upon the proper maintenance of the system as defined by the Compliance Schedule (CS), and an annual inspection and testing of the system by an IQP.

The Inspection of emergency egress lighting and emergency power systems by an IQP involves testing or simulating the operation of emergency lighting during a power outage in accordance with AS/NZS standards. The standards also prescribe the periodic inspection and maintenance necessary to ensure the emergency system is in a state of readiness at all times.
An IQP carries out an inspection to ensure maintenance and reporting procedures on your emergency systems are current and is responsible for issuing Form 12A – Certificate of Compliance with Inspection, Maintenance and Reporting Procedures annually to meet Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF) requirements.