Our key sustainability goals are to partner with our customers and suppliers to reduce their emissions and to achieve carbon neutrality in our operations by 2025
By far the biggest impact we can have in reducing greenhouse gas emissions is through the use of technologies, which reduce energy consumption in industry, buildings and transport, sectors that together account for nearly three-quarters of New Zealand’s energy usage. We are working to create workplaces where anything is possible, through intelligent and automatic lighting, electrical vehicle charging and solar power, we make greater energy efficiency easier than ever.

We have set ourselves the ambitious target of helping our customers to reduce their annual CO2 emissions by more than 1 million metric tons by 2030, equivalent to the annual emissions of 250 thousand combustion cars.
We also want to lead by example by achieving carbon neutrality in our operation by improving energy efficiency across our facilities and converting our vehicle fleet to electric or other non-emitting alternatives and engaging with our suppliers to reduce supply chain emissions.